Golgotha 3D

About Us
Golgotha 3D (G3D) is a company built on simple principles: Service, Support, and Security
At G3D we believe in supporting your small to medium business by providing superior services with a customer-driven focus. We use our years of experience in IT with some of the largest Financial and IT Service organizations to help foster secure solutions for your business needs. With everything from IT Hardware and Software, Consulting, Website Development, and Hosting, IT Security platforms, and innovative security solutions; we help your company foster secure growth and peace of mind that your data is both secure while in use and securely backed up. G3D provides our clients with both project-oriented support and even management of identified solutions.
G3D remains committed to ethical business practices, customer satisfaction, and cost-effective solutions that work. We follow industry best practices to manage your IT infrastructure and minimize potential threats or downtime. We analyze your current technology, evaluate the best solution and work with you to design the right solution for you and your team.